Vacation? What’s that.

2 01 2014

I want my next semester to begin already. I miss it. I mean, as in “I’m crying because I can’t go to class” miss it. I miss my friends. I miss my professors. I miss getting up and running like the wind in order to make it to class. I miss the panicked nights of writing. I miss the brain activity. I miss the learning. I miss having a day a week in which for roughly 4hrs, it was Spanish-time, and I could ramble about political issues that affected Latinos without being stared at like an alien, but instead get emphatic nods of understanding and relating. Or not even have to talk about them myself because others would bring it up.

I miss seeing people in quantity, even if it was only to observe from afar, even when too many people causes weird anxiety issues. Even when I felt like a hulking mutant, with everything about me clumsy and too big, despite being shorter than many of the people there.

I miss people talking to me without all the baggage that comes with my home life. I miss people talking to me. I just learned how much I want to stop isolating, and now I don’t know how to find people.

Can I please go to class now? I promise I’ll be good. I promise.



2 responses

16 02 2014
It’s Done | Motley's Musings

[…] our therapist decided to ask whether or not we had a plan in place to handle the issues presented here. Which is to say, the isolation that might come from losing one of our social outlets. But… […]

22 11 2019
Easing Ourselves Back Into Things. | Motley's Musings

[…] that, I don’t mean the individual circumstances. Yes, school had me busy. Yes the shock of adjusting to life without school put us into a minor depression, again. And yes, that depression told us that we didn’t have […]

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